6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker & Habbaniya Cemeteries
6 Squadron - The Tin-opener

The first edition of the Tin-opener was written in 1944 and distributed to serving members of 6 Squadron as well as members of the 6 Squadron Association. The current edition of the quarterly squadron journal (for July 2024) is Number 132. Here is an extract:
"Despite all of those setbacks, the evening [the long awaited 6 Squadron 110th Anniversary Dinner] turned out to be a fantastic event. The dinner had been planned as an All-Ranks event which would be run as closely as possible to a traditional RAF Dining-In Night. Officers and SNCOs were to wear their Mess dress, whilst junior ranks were to wear No.4HD. The Sqn Royal Standards and flags were in situ as was a lot of Sqn silver."
NOTE: The above extract was prepared by the author in his personal capacity and the opinions expressed are his own and do not reflect official Royal Air Force policy