6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker & Habbaniya Cemeteries
A Man of Many Letters - ADHD Self Help

A Man of Many Letters, an ADHD self help guide to living with ADHD, OCD and ODD was a most challenging writing project as it required me to re-live many childhood events that I would rather not have remembered. With the ever-increasing number of children and adults diagnosed with brain disorders, I thought it would be useful to write a self-help guide for sufferers and families alike, told by someone who has lived and achieved during a long life with a blend of several of these disorders.
The aim of the book is to write of my experiences since I was a boy, detailing how the conditions affected me and how over time I succeeded in re-engineering the way I thought and lived my life, all without the benefit of being able to discuss my problems with anyone, especially as I did my best to hide that anything was wrong. Not only was I eventually able to come to terms with each condition, I also discovered ways of harnessing the advantages associated with a high-functioning but difficult to control brain, all without any form of counselling or having to resort to the taking of medication. In this day and age where the importance of being "diagnosed" and being placed on a lifetime of medication seems to be paramount, having spoken at several ADHD Support Groups since publishing my book, I have come to terms with the fact that my book may only be of practical use to a small percentage of readers. But, if it helps but one person in a thousand, the project has been worthwhile.
In the words of leading child psychologist Peter Evans MBBS FRANZCP, who wrote the Foreword for my book,
"If you or someone you love are living with ADHD or OCD, I am sure this book will illuminate your own journey and help make what can be a difficult path that much more easy to navigate."
Copies of A Man of Many Letters can be purchased on-line through the publisher Feed-a-Read or any of the larger on-line book stores.