6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker & Habbaniya Cemeteries
Habbaniya War Cemetery Graves - Searchable Database
This page gives access to an on-line table of all burials at the Habbaniya War Cemetery in Iraq. The data has been put together over many years by Dr Christopher Morris and the late Peter Burlton, who used to run the RAF Habbaniya Association. Dr Morris has kindly permitted me to reproduce the data shown in the table below. The burials are in alphabetical surname sequence and you can use the 'Search' function by entering text in the box at the top of the table. You can also scroll up and down the table or move your finger / mouse cursor left and right to view all of the columns. Where possible, the cause of death has been provided. Additional information will be added to the table as more research is carried out.
You can scroll horizontally using the mouse or arrow buttons on your keyboard to access all of the columns. The table should be used in conjunction with the interactive plan of the Habbaniya War Cemetery whereby images of each grave can be viewed.