6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker & Habbaniya Cemeteries
Habbaniya War Cemetery Graves - RAF (Iraq) Levies Memorial
This section is under development and will eventually explain the role the Iraq Levies played in protecting the Royal Air Force bases in Iraq during the first half of the twentieth century. In the meantime you will find an excellent article on the formation and history of the RAF Iraq Levies in the RAF Historical Society Journal Number 49.
The one hundred and six (106) men of the Iraq Levies who died in Iraq whilst in service of the Royal Air Force were honoured on a memorial that was built into the centre of the southern wall of the Habbaniya War Cemetery. From detailed photographs kindly provided by the Australian Embassy in Iraq, I have created enlargement photos (five sections of the memorial from left to right) that will enable anyone to read the names of the dead (see below). I have also attached a searchable table containing basic information for each man listed on the memorial.