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Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery Plan / Satellite Views

This is the official Burial Record Plan of the Ma'Asker Al Raschid RAF Cemetery (formerly the Hinaidi RAF Peace Cemetery) as produced by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in 1964 and amended in February 1965. The enhanced satellite image below the images of the plan shows the underground concrete footings as well as the small area on the mid-southern edge that is impacted by the rough gravel track. It is only after further excavations that it will be determined if any damage has been made by the lorries driving across the cemetery.


The bottom photograph is a composite of the satellite image overlaid with the CWGC cemetery plan. 


For a complete list of names and grave locations, click HERE 

To see photos of the headstones still in existence at Hinaidi, click HERE

To see the exact location of the cemetery, click HERE​​

The official Cemetery plan and dimensions for Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery

If you look carefully at the 1964 Cemetery Plan, you will notice that the grave numbering system (1 to 14) for Plot 1, Plot 2 and Plot 3 starts at '1' in the southernmost grave with '14' at the northernmost grave. This contradicts the original numbering system at the Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery, which ran from north to south. I have added an amended diagram below which shows you what I mean as well as a c1935 cemetery photograph to give an example of the original numbering system. Whatever the reason for the change, intentional or unintentional, all grave information held at the CWGC for Ma'Asker is consistent with the post 1964 numbering system.


Corrected Plan for grave numbering system at the Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery Baghdad
1935 photo of Ma'Asker Al Raschid RAF Cemetery Baghdad showing original grave numbering system

Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery Satellite Image 2020 - Concrete Footings

Satellite image of Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery showing original concrete foundation strips and impact of Iraqi track on the graves

Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery Satellite Image 2020 / Plan Overlay

Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery Plan overlaid on satellite image at Hinaidi

Ma'Asker Al Raschid Cemetery Satellite Image 2023 / Plan Overlay

This is a recent satellite photograph of the Ma'Asker Cemetery showing the new cemetery wall that was constructed around that part of the cemetery grounds used for burials. I have overlaid it with the 1964 CWGC cemetery plan to show the original size of the cemetery as well as the main entrance in the middle of the western wall compared to the new entrance in the midddl of the eastern wall.​​​

Ma'Asker RAF Cemetery Satellite image with plan overlay
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