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6 Squadron RAF, Ma'Asker & Habbaniya Cemeteries
WW1 Maps and Documents
As part of my research into the operations of 6 Squadron during WW1 when it served on the western front, I have gained access to various old maps and photographs. I have also created my own graphics where required information was not available. For the benefit of anyone who may have faced similar difficulties, I have reproduced a few on this website and have provided the following links:
Western Front - Belgium and Northern France, complete with major allied aerodromes
Western Front (Sheet 28), overlaid with army grid system and two artillery shoots
Original Map of Proven (1918), showing four allied aerodromes at Poperinge
Map of La Lovie Aerodrome with Hangar Locations for 21 Squadron and 23 Squadron
Diagram of Abeele Aerodrome 1916 and Aerial Photographs of Abeele Aerodrome 1916 / 2008
Map of Abeele Aerodrome (April 1918) showing perimeter and Royal Air Force buildings
Map of the town of Basingstoke (c1910), overlaid on current Google Map image
Location of RAF Flowerdown and RAF Worthy Down
1918 Wireless Training Notes from No 1 (T) Wireless School, Flowerdown, Winchester
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