A Man of Many Letters (ADHD, OCD and ODD)

After two long years, I have finally approved the cover design and interior layout with the publisher, as well as receiving a 'Foreword' from a leading child psychologist that will be included in the book, a combination of an autobiography and ADHD Self Help guide. With the final hurdles overcome, 'A Man of Many Letters' is now in the queue, ready to be printed. The provisional release date is mid-November, initially for on-line sales via Feed-a-Read, and then via Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other on-line bookstores towards the end of December. At this stage, it is not intended for my book to be sold at bookstores, but I will be keeping a limited stock for those people who would like a signed copy. The RRP from Feed-a-Read has provisionally been set at AU$15 (plus postage) and from Amazon et al at AU$19 (plus postage). Watch this space for more details as they come to hand. In the meantime, I am happy to answer questions re the subject matter of the book.