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Abeele During the Great War

On Sunday the 20th May, a one-day exhibition ‘Abeele tijdens de Groote Oorlog’ (Abeele during the Great War) took place during the ‘Abeele kerremesse’ funfair at the village’s community centre d’ Hoge Schole. Though I was unable to attend, there should have been on displayu significant content regarding 6 Squadron (I provided details as to 6 Squadron's involvement with the local community during the two and a half years it was based at Abeele, from April 1915 to November 1917). Hopefully I will be able to add a photo of the poster advertising the event to my website in coming weeks. The organisers of the event were also hoping to conduct a 'fly-in' weekend on the site of the WW1 Royal Air Force aerodrome, complete with replica / restored WW1 aircraft, but have struck a few logistical problems which have delayed the project.


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