Poperinge City Archives
I sent a copy of my latest book, 'Over the Western Front' to Wouter Moyaert, the archivist at Poperinge Council and he kindly posted the following on the Poperinge City Archive Facebook page. As the book is set in the towns of Abele (Abeele) and Poperinge (Poperinghe), I thought it might make interesting research material for anyone who would like to know how the men of the Royal Air Force squadrons stationed around Ypres and Poperinge during the WW1 years interacted with the local civilian population. In the words of the archivist, "Post uit Australië! Auteur Steve Buster Johnson schreef op basis van het dagboek van zijn grootvader dit boek over de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Poperinge en Abele komen er uitgebreid in aan bod."