Memorial to the Iraq (Assyrian) Levies Who Died in WW2
I received a query regarding the age of the Memorial at the Habbaniya War Cemetery in Iraq, erected in honour of the 106 men of the RAF Iraq Levies who died whilst fighting in Iraq during WW2 (though seventeen of the names on the memorial were for deaths post WW2 up until December 1947) . To my knowledge the memorial was constructed a few years after the end of WW2 but I'm not sure as to the exact date. I have attached a photo of the Habbaniya Cemetery taken during the late 'fifties before the Royal Air Force closed the base in May 1959. After the complete restoration by the CWGC of the cemetery at Habbaniya in 2018/19, the cemetery became overgrown again, but with the help of the British and Australian Embassies in Baghdad, a gardening/caretaker contract has been set in place, funded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The photos I have put on my site (link copied below) were taken last year and you can see that the cemetery is in good condition again.
See also
