The Royal Air Force WW1 Aerodrome at Abeele, Belgium
I have recently received several enquiries regarding the various aerodromes occupied by 6 Squadron and 4 Squadron RFC/RAF during their time on the Western Front as well as an enquiry as to the present-day site of what was once the WW1 RAF airfield at Abeele, a village on the Belgian French border (in fact the border runs through the centre of the main street). As Abeele aerodrome was occupied by both 6 Squadron and 4 Squadron between May 1917 and November 1917, I thought it would be useful to post an image that shows aerial photographs of Abeele aerodrome, one taken in 1916 and the other, a Google Maps image c2023. I have also added diagrams which show the layout of the aerodrome in 1917 when 6 and 4 Squadrons were both stationed there. The details on the main diagram shown below were gradually built up after visits to the Public Records Office in Kew, viewing the operational records of 4 and 6 Squadrons and reading several personal diaries kept by men who were stationed at Abeele. and were used by me in the writing of three of my books, 'For God, England and Ethel', 'Seven Days in April' and 'Over the Western Front'.
